Gold exploration

When analyzing the attractiveness of the gold mine investment, one trend should be noted: a long-term price trend for gold is a wavy line with relatively large gaps, but also with no less significant ascents. Nevertheless, the dynamics of the price of gold is unpredictable, as, indeed, its causes, such as changes in the stock or currency markets, political risks. As a result, it is necessary to take into account the internal factors of the gold market formation.

First of all, gold mine exploration and mining are important for the jewelry industry. The gold market is closely "tied" at the level of incomes of the population. With their increase, the jewelry market is reviving (it consumes up to 90% of the total extracted precious metal), and gold consumption by the jewelry industry is inversely related to its price. The second group of influences is portfolio investors who are not directly involved in invest in exploration. They are using the purchase and sale of gold to protect themselves from risks in the currency or stock markets.

Gold exploration and mining in Kazakhstan

Republic of Kazakhstan being enormously rich with different mineral resources and having the leading industry of exploration gold mining companies in the region nevertheless possesses numerous gold deposits still requiring additional exploration and studying. In North, Central and Eastern Kazakhstan, a number of promising deposits of gold and nonferrous metals have been identified. Exploration was carried out using the latest minerals and gold exploration technology. Many foreign investors already showed interest to participate in further exploration activities. The East Kazakhstan region is the largest mining area of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where gold ore exploration and extraction of minerals has been carried out for hundreds of years.

This area is full of abundant occurrences of:

Currently mining and exploration work is held at more than 270 subsoil use sites. In Kazakhstan gold exploration projects are financed from investment funds of subsoil users and state budget funds. As a result of the works, perspective plots and ore occurrences of minerals for gold and polymetals were identified and outlined, forecast resources were estimated, preliminary geological and economic assessment and justification of the direction of further geological exploration were given.

Professionals and investors planning to invest in Kazakhstan are obviously interested in the question of the availability of systems, processes, partners, capable of providing guarantees for the realization of the entire potential in Kazakhstan. In general, there are obvious signs of positive changes in Kazakhstan, in particular, the growth in the number of foreign enterprises - technological, manufacturing and engineering companies, opening offices in the country.

Central Asia has a great potential for developing mining industry. The Republic of Kazakhstan, as one of the most stable states in the region, and having a number of technology-intensive Kazakhstan mining companies could act as a center for selling mining equipment and services that would be distributed to neighboring regions.