
What are the rare earth metals prices — historical and today


Rising rare earth elements prices indicates a close ending of the Chinese monopoly on the market of rare-earth metals and will contribute to the development…

What is gold used for besides jewelry


Have you ever asked yourself a question, what is gold used for in everyday life? Gold since ancient times has ensured the function of an element of the…

What are rare earth metals used for


A family of 14 elements with ordinal numbers from 58 (cerium) to 71 (lutetium) located in the sixth period of the periodic system behind lanthanum and…

Why the rare earth metals price is still growing


The price chain for rare earth metals is complex, with multiple players, business factors, supply models and geopolitical considerations at various stages…

What is mineral exploration investment


Investing in the exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources is an investment in the future. In general, geological exploration is a complex of…

What precious metals are better to invest in


Investing in precious metals has always been considered the right way to invest money. The advantage of this method of investing your savings is that precious…

Silver price projections until 2020


Silver is a precious, but relatively inexpensive metal that is used in various industries and jewelry. Not many investors decide to use it as an asset…

What are the most important basics for investment


Being able to properly invest at a young age fund, you can forget about the need to spend a considerable amount of time to provide your own needs. Still,…

How to get started investing


Investment in the economic sense has several definitions. They are made in various spheres of the economy, as well as the social and intellectual life…